Labour Market Testing

Labour Market Testing is necessary for a Temporary Skills Shortage (subclass 482) Nomination application, with very few exemptions. When Sponsors Nominate an Applicant, they must provide a copy of the advertisement material used to advertise the position; and they must ensure that the meet the requirements.
Since October 2020, the Sponsors must provide a total of 3 advertisements. 1 must have been advertised on the Australian Government’s Jobactive website, and the other 2 must have been advertised in industry specific recruitment websites (such as Indeed, Seek, Jora etc), national print media, national radio or the Sponsor’s website if the Sponsor is accredited.
The following requirements must also be met for all 3 advertisements:
  • Must be in Australia
  • Must be in English
  • Must contain the Title/Position and a Description
  • Must contain the Skills or Experience required for the Position
  • Must have the Sponsor’s Name (or the name of the Recruitment Agency)
  • Must state the Salary (Salary Range is acceptable)
  • Must have been advertised within the 4 months immediately before lodging a Nomination Application.
  • Applications or Expressions of Interest for the advertised position must have been accepted for at least 4 weeks.
  • Information must be provided on how many individuals applied, and the reason why the rejected candidates weren’t given the job.
In some cases, LMT is not required where it would conflict with Australia’s International Trade Obligations (ITOs).
If you wish to book and appointment with one of our Registered Migration Agents, please call Gold Migration Lawyers on 1300 320 300 today.
This article does not constitute legal advice or create a Migration Agent-Client relationship. Please consult a Registered Migration Agent for up-to-date information.
Relevant Links
  • For more details on TSS Visa Eligibility, please click here
  • For the most Common Reasons on why Working Visa applications are Refused, please click here.